Beautiful JEMM's

New Year, Be You! (Charmaine Thompson) Season 2 Episode 2

In today's episode, we will dive deeper into the Miner's experience and process.  We will discuss emotions vs intellect, emotional intelligence, and feeling through your emotions.  We will touch on generational trauma and the healing of the black community and what that means for each miner in the community.

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Hello, I'm your host Charmaine, and welcome to Beautiful JEMMS! In case you haven't caught it, the main point of this podcast is to really do the internal work. I know that I've said it throughout the first season, but I think it's important to reiterate it at the beginning of the second. This is the type of work that you may not see manifest on the outside of yourself. Many times, it will manifest itself internally first, what I'm going to ask you to do throughout this whole time is to trust the process. Now, in the example, that I just went over with our fellow miner, I basically went through the motions of trying to understand what the difference is between just accomplishing a physical goal and accomplishing an internal goal simultaneously. Now, there's also a third type of goal where you are completely working on your internal. However, I will promise you this, when you work on your internal goals, it will manifest without you having to set any kind of goal outside of you in the physical. One big indicator that gets lost is emotions, and emotions many times are, they're given a very bad rap. And emotions, again, are neither good nor bad. They truly are signals to let you know whether to move forward, go back, go sideways, go diagonal, go wherever, or don't go any place at all. But emotions are so important. In today's society, we are very cerebral to the point that we don't acknowledge our emotions. Or we try to quantify and qualify our emotions, with things like emotional intelligence. Now, there's nothing wrong with emotional intelligence. I've studied it. But I have to say, again, I am not a big fan of that phrase. And there are other people in the psychology field. Experts that feel the same intelligence and emotion, in some ways are polar opposites, to an extent to describe how you feel, instead of just feeling the feeling, and letting it lead you to your answers are two different things. And that experience cannot be quantified or qualified. It is just that an experience that you need to have. So I'm going to encourage you to have that experience on the show with yourself. Take time, feel your emotions, don't push them to the side, so that you can always be in your mind. That could be the difference between you learning the lessons you came here to learn, and you staying stagnant and stuck. God is a God of purpose. God does not give us things for no reason at all. Emotions are there to help you to be your friend. And I think that people love emotions, when they feel good, but we don't love it when it doesn't feel good. Namely, when we feel pain, we want to avoid it. But in the pain, there are exquisite gems, gems that you will never find at your highest point of happiness. So I encourage you, again throughout this show, to really dive into the mining process by diving into those emotions and giving them precedents. In the example of your fellow miner earlier, they were able to shift and change a goal that they were already accomplishing externally by paying attention to how they feel. So try making that a part of your goal setting process. How is this going to make me feel? Or how do I feel after I've completed this process and let that feeling guide you to your answer. If you feel phenomenal, then that means you are getting the job done. and sometimes you don't need to check in with yourself emotionally in that area, because you already know, subconsciously and consciously what your aim is, you're aligned inside internally, somebody like ET is aligned internally, from what I could see from the outside looking in. He is a persistent person, and consistent person. And that shows up in everything he does. And that my friend is knowing your values. And when you know your values, you understand your emotions, and you won't always have to check in with them. But if you're not there yet, in certain areas of your life, that's okay. This is a part of the self discovery process. So by checking in with your emotions, and saying, Hey, how did I feel? Oh, I came up empty this time. Why? Why do I feel that way? And again, let the emotions lead you to your answer. Try that. See what happens for you see where it leads you. I think another very important part is understanding your lessons and not being afraid of them. Sometimes when we accomplish these goals, we are really looking for external validation at times depending on the goal. And we fail ourselves internally. Because everybody is clapping on the outside of us. But on the inside, we're sad. On the inside, we're empty. It is okay to be you. What I'd much rather say this year, instead of New year, new you, New Year, be you. So that's what I'm going to encourage you to do? Be you both be you all the way through and through without apology. Because we need who you are. If everybody is the same, what a boring world, what a boring world would it be? We need your uniqueness. We need your contribution to this world. Imagine if every animal on this planet was the same. Imagine if God decided to make every flower look the same. Imagine if God decided not to give us color. Imagine if we did not have all of these differences. Where would you find the beauty. So I encourage you to embrace your gems on the inside, they may be a little bit rough around the edges. And that is okay, they may be hard to get to. And that is okay. Because that is what I'm here to support you with. And the allies that I bring on as well are here to support you with you don't have to do it alone. And that is the beauty of God and I give him all that glory. That is the beauty of God, the beauty of the gems left inside of us, like a treasure to be found you my friend, our treasure, please treasure yourself. And I say that especially to black people, other people have come in outside of our community and stolen our treasures, whether we choose to give them away, or whether they were taken. For Be sure really and truly, that could never happen. That is smoke and mirrors. Those are tricks from the enemy, to make you believe that you don't have everything that you need inside of you. The truth is what I just said that was all illusion. There is nothing that anybody can take away from you that God gifts. Whatever God gives is yours, both externally and internally. So it may seem through some of the trauma that we've been through that our gems have really that they've been stolen or they've been taken, or we've given them away. But now they're still there. They're still there. They're waiting on you to do the work, the healing work to mind them, which is not going to be easy. The pain unfortunately will direct you there. But again, when you come out on the other end And of that, my brother, my sister, the treasure that you will find, will blow your mind. Your support is here. God is with you all the time. And I'm not going to split hairs about spiritual beliefs, whether you believe in a monotheistic God, or you believe in polytheistic gods, your spirituality is your own. But understand that that is a basis for your transformation. It is a basis for your healing. There is nothing that you can do, there is no goal that you can set without involving God. God is the one that is going to heal you. But you have to be in alignment with God. This journey Yes, is about mining, refining and shining your gems. Yes, it's a it's about that. It's about this self discovery journey. And the lessons you're here to learn but as, as black people, our lessons are very unique with the generational trauma that we are carrying currently today. Everybody needs spiritual support. Everybody does. Everybody needs that spiritual base. I promise you, this is something that is very important on your journey to heal those generational traumas. So, what we're going to do is, we're going to bring on some allies to help you on your journey. And I'm going to introduce my personal favorite. Al ally on the next episode. I love you, and I'll speak to you then. Thank you so much for spending time with me today. I pray that you build your relationship with God. Love yourself unconditionally, and put in the work to mine refine and shine those JEMMS!

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