Beautiful JEMM's

Allies Series Ft Teresa Schrell: Not Created To Be My Own Enemy (Charmaine Thompson) Season 2 Episode 4

In today's episode, we pick up our conversation with the Miner and Teresa Schrell to discuss being our own enemy.  Tune in, and you may be surprised to see who else shows up today...

If you are asking, who's this Miner?  Well, you or anyone willing to do the inner work to mine their JEMMS!  

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Hello, I'm your host Charmaine and welcome to Beautiful JEMMS! Say that again, enemy Oh, that leaves them in enemies. All right, so you know what, go ahead take the floor. So where I have been an enemy to myself? Well, it's been when I've had a lack of self control or felt that I've made a mistake. Hmm, I have done something quote unquote wrong, me. And if I didn't feel quote unquote good enough, oh, negative core beliefs has held me back for so long. And that was my own doing to an extent. So where I've been my own enemy is in my negative core beliefs, I believe in one area. It was not until I started to challenge myself and challenge those negative core beliefs that I was able to begin changing them. What I did was I took responsibility for the downfalls and I faced my sabotaging wings, I no longer wanted to be stuck. So I began making decisions that aligned with my authenticity, I begin acknowledging my strengths, and my progress. As I was growing, I focused on my values, what I valued, whom I valued. And why it shifted me back into being an ally to myself. So in being my own enemy, it was very self sabotaging. self destructive, if you will. The key word here is self. I was doing it to myself. And it took it took a it was hard, it was hard to acknowledge that, indeed, I am responsible for my undoing or responsible for this thing that's happening or not happening for to me. Well. So those are just a few ways that I but I discovered in the more recent years, I would say within the last decade, the the negative core beliefs were very, very ingrained. And they were on autopilot, taking control of my life until I had challenged myself to fully take that responsibility of changing. So in a sense, what I'm hearing is that you become your enemy. When you don't look at the negative core beliefs, when we refuse to see those and deal with them, you become your own enemy, as opposed to being an ally, where you look at those very things and face them. Absolutely. And so how do you think God plays a role in this part of the mining process? I mean, I would hone in on I'm not good enough. I did something wrong areas and self control, you know, stands out as you ask that question and where God comes in for me is that in his eyes, I am good enough. Always have been always will be. Yeah. And his his eyes, you know, I can make mistakes and still be good enough. The key for me is that with God, I feel there's room for growth. There's forgiveness, unconditional love, as I am in that moment, and in challenging myself to change those core beliefs that were not in my favor, if you will, that were negative or not. I used negative loosely because they were just against my core values, my core beliefs. So it's not a for me anyway, it wasn't always just a negative path. Because if a positive core belief is against my values or morals, that's still a negative core belief, truth. So I think what I've learned through this challenging myself, you To change these core beliefs, or at least challenge my core belief system, even if it isn't to change it, that God's love, grace, mercy, love unconditionally, and support. And guidance has helped me to navigate through my core beliefs, whether positive, negative, good, bad, or ugly, as I like to say. He was there to get me through this challenge that I had taken on myself, I wanted to take full responsibility, but I didn't have to do it on my own, I was able to go back and go to my maker to say, This is good. What I've created is good. And I think that is a great foundation. For me, it was a great foundation to stand on. Even in negative core beliefs, or what I would say is, it's where I, it is the foundation I would go to, in order to check in with my values and morals to check in with my authenticity. Who are who am I? Who was I created to be? In? Am I standing in that? Truly, because I did say, I focused on my values, what I valued, whom I valued and why. And that's what kind of shifted me back into becoming my own best ally, or an ally for myself. And I think that with God on my side, God in my pocket, God under my feet sometimes, and as the I think one of your favorites are the footprints in the sand, you know, those times when he had to carry me that that's how he played a role in this. He's there. As my ally, he's there to remind me who the true enemy is and why. And that he didn't create me to be that my own enemy. Yes, yes, I love that. Oh, who is that? Ah, Teresa, Charmaine in our fellow minor. Teresa is right. I am your greatest ally. Pay special attention to our relationship. When you think I'm not with you. Yes, I am always with you. However, you are human. Doubt can come when my silence is perceived as absence. moments of despair can lead to you becoming your own enemy. If that happens, take heart and have faith that all is working in your favor. It is a part of my divine plan for you. Remember my servant Joseph, who was prepared in hiding to later shine as the star of Egypt. He endured the trials set before him with grace. As a young man of 17, he was sold into slavery by his own brothers to traitors who brought him into the land of Egypt. There he faced many trials until his appointed time of power at 30 years of age. You see, I positioned him to save the nation of Israel, and the very brothers who sold him into slavery. During these years I remained with my servant Joseph gave him grace and showed him favor wherever he was, no matter his status. As a slave, his Egyptian masters took notice that I was with him, blessing everything his hand touched. Seeing this, they gave him charge over their house, so that they too would prosper. When Joseph was falsely accused and imprisoned, he remained faithful for years, until I made him Lord of all Egypt, second in command under the Pharaoh, although there is much left unsaid about Joseph's inner workings, please imagine the strength of heart it took to forgive his brothers freely. No, this strength was cultivated in the quiet times of his trials in his relationship with me, where some may have seen abandonment, Joseph saw relationship with the most high God. Yes, I blessed Joseph with riches and power. But one of my most precious gifts to him was a strong and forgiving heart to save the nation of Israel, in your quiet times of trial, seek refuge and your relationship with me to do the inner work to mine refine, and finally shine your gyms for all the world to see. Thank you so much for spending time with me today. I pray that you build your relationship with God. Love yourself unconditionally, and put in the work to mind refine and shine those JEMMS!

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