Beautiful JEMM's

Allies Series Ft Teresa Schrell: Unbothered...

Charmaine Thompson Season 2 Episode 6

In today's episode, we wrap up our conversation with Teresa Schrell and our fellow Miner with her take on what it means to be unbothered towards herself.  She points out two different types of energies she creates in this state.

If you are listening in, you may wonder, who is this Miner?  Well, you or anyone willing to do the inner work to mine their JEMMS!  

Click on this episode to meet up and enjoy as you listen in, stay open, and remember to invite in your inner child.  We are healing all parts of us today!  :-)

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Hello, I'm your host Charmaine and welcome to Beautiful JEMMS! oh the unbothered? I can't y'all though I can't wait to hear this one. I can't wait to hear y'all just do when I am unbothered toward myself, my own self raised eyebrows, raised eyebrows y'all can't see but raised eyebrows, okay? And that's the thing when my eyebrows are up when I'm unbothered towards my own self this can either be the ultimate betrayal or the ultimate peace. This is probably when I am so detached, so aloof and could literally shut all the way down. I have checked out and there is no emotions. No thoughts flowing. I mean, I go numb. When I get like this towards others, cold as ice. It could get really uncomfortable. So once I'm on bother, period, Oh, forget it. I can be quite destructive. If I'm not careful. And I think at some point, my allies kicking. God flexes on me. Teresa, my angels and my ancestors go to war. They meet at the table. Our angel Michael sounds alone. I mean, the mind goes dark. I don't even care I do not care. I take cast your cares to the extreme as as Dave Meyer, as Dave Meyer says, Cast your kid I take that and I run with it. To the point I have been called a robot. There are times my quote unquote peaceful phlegmatic personality needs it. being bothered is the piece I need. It's a breakaway. But if it goes on too long, it could eventually surely lead to the enemy. frenemy towards myself. I am naturally more logical. So without the ability to feel being unbothered can eventually get me in my head to overthink again, and this can be destructive or constructive. I usually listen to music, write poetry or journal in order to get and remain balanced head and heart so me I'm bothered so myself we're both shaking our head right now that that yeah, that can be is the very peaceful place for me. Or very destructive place for me. It really is not a place that I dwell for very long. That makes sense. It actually had me thinking I was laughing at not you know necessarily at you know what you're you're saying one our own experiences. So there are probably a few inside jokes there but what you recently sent me have me crying because and I will share this with the fellow miners on my IG page. Do you want to describe that little video that you sent me with the swing? No. Okay, so yeah. Well so there's a few memes going around. And this one in particular is is very so the the images of of a swing set. I love swing sets and And, you know, someone who's on the swing set swinging, and I don't have it in front of me. But the caption says something about how I'm handling life right now. And that would be great, you know, swinging on a swing and but it's not sunny out, it's literally I would venture to say a house fire, a very large house fire in the background. And this person is just weighing in, like nothing's going on. And I guess that was a great description of me unbothered and short in my nature as an Aquarius, there's another meme. Where there's a girl in the in the, in the camera smart, like almost smirking. I don't I don't, I'm not this. I think the smirking part is not necessarily me. But the meme itself is like Aquarius. And there's a fire in the background again, again, where she is so unbothered. And I think that those two means described in in video and in meme version in a visual of me, I'm bothered I would literally, there's a fire behind me. And I am swinging on that swing. Like it's a bright, sunny, bright sunshiny day outside and I am that I'm bothered. Think I added with that emoji or the meme. I sent a video and I captioned it, what emotions, right? And that is what I described as me unbothered, were what cares? Cares? What if I don't care? Right? You want me to care? I want to care. I actually cannot stay in that state. The house burns down. The world will burn down. I need to be caring. I need to be both. But I think there are times when it you know it is I'm actually again, I'll say I'm being my ally by allowing myself and it is an allowance to be unbothered. We myself failure. So it's interesting because the difference here with the unbothered is that the unbothered actually knows and has an understanding of what's going on in the background, I eat a fire with fire. That's why they unbothered inside of you. Or when you're unbothered to yourself in that scenario, it's kind of like I know, but I'm good. Like, I'm not worried about that fire because I'm gonna swing on the swing right here. And I'm gonna have peace. In the video, right in the video, there are people running around, like scrambling and losing their mind because I mean, rightly so. The whatever is burning Meltem is burn it down. And you know that that person on a swing is just like, Yeah, okay, I guess they'll put that out. So what, what, when you apply this to kind of that that inner mining process, right? can know that you have some serious cracks in your foundation, you know, that something is seriously wrong in that mind. And it can work out in two ways for you there are times where it's a form of self protection, like you mentioned, and sometimes you need to do that. Right? You can't deal with that in that moment. However, where it becomes dangerous is when you keep ignoring the problem. No, not today. Y'all see drinking water. That's the thing. Mind your business Drink Drink. Like my son is about you right now. So yeah, you could drink your water but we not minding our business today. We thought about it. You tried it so that's the thing that's interesting and even how you went through and just describing what happens and I feel like for a lot of miners this may be very pivotal because there are a lot of people that know about what's happening around them, maybe even inside of them, right? But they're like, You know what, I'm living my best life right now I'm gonna swing on this swing, I'm gonna have a good time and enjoy myself even though, you know, the whole house is burning down in the back of me. Right? So that is not going to work out? Well, you know, we didn't get to see the rest of that clip. But I'm just saying that doesn't work out? Well, I don't need to see the rest of it. Right. So this speaks to you saying how like, basically staying in there too long can become a problem. And so it's this avoidance. Right? So would you could you like talk about that a little bit more about what happens when you stay in that mind? And as you described, sometimes it goes dark. Yeah, um, I think I'm trying to stay on the Eagles dark because that's when you've, I've probably been bothered for too long. Right. And if you think of a fire, just stay with the analogy here. When there's a fire in a space, the one of the first things the irony of it, all right, the first things that happens if things go dark. There's a fire. So fire is light, but the smoke of it makes it dark. And so the reason why I believe that I don't like to stay in the unbothered for too long, is because the reality of that image is that that person on the swing, if they live there, has a house close enough to the fire that is occurring right next door, or right behind them. So there's two things The one is that burning house, you may or may not have any, I mean, the authorities are taking care of it, let's just say it's being taken care of you might get in the way. So you're going to go off and be bothered. However, there's things you could have done to protect your house, your space. Wanting others help, you could have helped in some way, shape or form. Um, but you chose not to. The other thing is, you could be affected by the smoke. That's the reality that you know, that image doesn't show that you're far away. But the reality is that smoke is going to eventually impact your lungs impact your life. And so to act like that, when we're when I'm unbothered and almost it when we're on bother because we're connected. Yeah, when I'm, when I'm unbothered in that way, then I'm not useful to others. And I'm not even taking care to attend to my own needs. Because in that moment, I could be affected by that fire and smoke in some way, shape, or form. And yet, I'm acting as if it's not even occurring. And what then happens is you come out of this unbothered fog, if you will, or I do I need to speak to myself. I come out of this fog of unbothered newness, and whether it was peaceful, or it was disruptive. The bottom line is life is going on outside of me. And so when I resurface from my unbothered state, good or bad for me, I've come back to potentially a house fire, in a sense, fires, things have happened while I was unbothered swinging on my swing, so to speak. And so there's a possibility that I come out and I've missed something or there was something that I could have done to help someone else and or myself that I neglected to do, that's where it becomes destructive. So I think that you know, when I when I go, when it when it gets dark, it's like that smoke. And for me, if we stick with that analogy, when when you're when you start to see the smoke, your best advice is to go down below, you know, go to the floor, the foundation, and that's what I do. I go back to my foundation, which I Think I've previously mentioned is God, I go back to my faith, I go back to my self love, the values and morals and the things that are important to me, I'm grounded, you get to the floor in order to not be consumed by the smoke. Because you can't see and you're unable to navigate. And that's why I say when I get into the frenemies the enemies and unbothered towards me, I, in this instance, do have to reach out at some point to my allies, via god, my rocks, my family, my friends, this is when I tend to reach out, or they reach out to me. Because as you as you as it's getting dark, you can't see clearly, you can't think clearly, you can't breathe clearly your breath starts to, you know, shallow breaths, and it's almost like you're unable to be truly you. You're not functioning at your full capacity. Because we are built to care. So although going into my unbothered state, can bring peace for me. The reality is that others are still being affected by that, hey, interesting. And in life, sometimes it's necessary. But the smoke will clear, the fog will clear. And it's what you do, once that happens. And for me, it's actually tapping into caring again, it's allowing love in and giving love out. It's tapping into my heart, my emotions, my feelings, my femininity, and coming back to life, if you will. Because it is a possibility of me becoming this robot, which is not like less not life. So yeah, when I'm unbothered, they really does affect those around me that I that are close to me. Those who are closest understand it, now. Respect it now. And, for example, I said that I used to go to sleep a lot. And I realized it was depression. You know, a lot of times I didn't realize that. But as I got older, and now I understand better that I respect it. I understand it. For me. And my understanding of that is it wasn't because I was just lazy. It wasn't because I was in lala land and being responsible. For me, knowing myself and being my own ally, understanding what my maker has created. I recognized more recently, that is when I can make my dreams come true. To be able to go to sleep, dream. This is when I'm in unbothered, what appears to be a bother. Dream. fantasize imagined, visualize. Envision things that I want things that come through. But if I don't go off and be by myself and dream and sleep, if you will, I'm bothered. Go unbothered. A lot of my dreams and my my wildest fantasies would never have come true. And I understand this now. And maybe I understood it as younger, but I understand it more now. And respect it for myself. Because it's being true to who I am. I am a dreamer. I am a visionary. And so to ignore those moments of sitting on that swing, I'm bothered. I wouldn't be true to who I am. And true to who I am as a dreamer. true to who I am is someone who enjoys swinging on a swing, despite what's going on around me. That's my joy, my peace. And as I've said, I'm a peaceful phlegmatic by finding Nature. And there are times when I have to be at peace, I have to be calm, I have to be relaxed, it doesn't matter what's going on around me, within me even being true to myself, I am someone who needs to be at peace, to make good decisions for myself and for others. And so I don't make the best decision in the midst of chaos. So even in the image, there is a value for me, to me of being on unbothered in the chaos, because I can make phenomenal decisions in the midst of that fire. So it looks like I'm just on a swing, I'm bothered. But in reality, I'm sitting on next week devising plans to help the family who was affected by the fire. I'm rallying my troops, my co workers in the mine to discover ways that we can rebuild that house or get them unknown. Where can we shelter them next? I got goosebumps because that's true to who I am. I look, I'm bothered. I look irresponsible. Look like I'm just on a swing being virile, I'm bothered. But looks can be deceiving. Because in that I'm bother. I care. That's why I need to be unbothered. I care deeply. And when I do come out of um, bother. You'll know, you'll see just how much I care. I love it. Thank you for sharing that. It really sounds like what I hear is self acceptance. And what my therapist just told me, so Yes, Your Honor, something. I hear self acceptance. And I also hear non judgement. See, the only way that you could get to the self acceptance is by not judging yourself. Right. So it gave you the ability to look at both the light and dark aspect of let's say sitting on that swing, right? And being honest with yourself and saying, Hey, this is where it's harmful. But this is where it's helpful. And you know what, I not only accept the harm, but I accept the helpfulness as well, like how it's, this is me. This is all of me. Right? So um, I you know, I love everything that you described, and I'm sure that our fellow miner can identify with everything that you just said. So thank you. I hope so. Like I said, when I do come out of unbothered, you will see how much I care. A care about our fellow miners. Yeah, they are me. I am them. You're all connected? We absolutely are. We absolutely. All right. Well, it was nice stopping by. I appreciate you coming and what a pleasure to have you hopefully you can come by again. I'll come visit you. You know what, maybe we'll take a trip down a mind when we help our fellow miners find the gym of self identity. Sounds like a great idea. I would really appreciate that. Keep in touch let me know when you're gonna explore that mine. All right, we will take care you as well. Thanks for coming. Well, wow. Thank you so much for spending time with me today. I pray that you build your relationship with God. Love yourself unconditionally, and put in the work to my refine and shine those JEMMS!

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