Beautiful JEMM's

For You ~OR~ Against You

Charmaine Thompson Season 2 Episode 10

In today's episode, I thank my guests Teresa and MarQuis!  I talk about allies, enemies, frienemies, the unbothered, and spiritual warfare as a black person.  

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Hello, I'm your host Charmaine, and welcome to Beautiful JEMMS! Good morning. May not be morning for you right now, but it's morning for me. So good morning, good afternoon and good evening. I'm sitting here and I am doing the very thing that I've asked my fellow miners to do, which is to sit and pray, to be still to meditate. You know, I was thinking about this next episode, and how to bring together what my different my two guests have, you know, graciously come on the show and shared, you know, something. I'm not going to bring it all together right now. And I actually recorded another episode last night. And I'm gonna put it out as a bonus episode. But I wanted to just number one, thank my guests. Teresa, my other guests mark key, again, for coming on the show. And just in case, you were wondering who that little guy was, who kept coming in on the conversation, our fellow miner, while I was you, that was me trying to give you a voice to make you a part of the conversation. Because you are a part of the conversation. It is about you. That's why I'm doing this podcast. And so, you know, like I've said many times this podcast is for the black community, and anybody that wants to understand, I feel like some of the inner workings of being black. I haven't yet addressed those issues. But don't worry when we get to the refinement process, right, because it's mine refine and shine. When we get to the refinement process, I'm going to be talking about a lot of those issues. Up until this point, what I've been doing is prepping you preparing you, giving you the tools you need to go in to mind those gems is necessary. And it's so interesting because for me, it's been almost like a self fulfilling prophecy even the the first season through now. You know, I have dealt with allies, enemies, frenemies and the unbothered outside of myself and inside with myself. And it's been spiritual warfare. That's facts. And I know I'm not the only one out there that's gone through that. It's been real. Yes, life has been challenging. Life has also been sweet. But that spiritual warfare, where we're in a war right now, and black folks, you are in the middle of it, whether you realize it or not, whether you want to acknowledge it or not, you are very pivotal part of this spiritual warfare, this spiritual war. Right. And I'm gonna tell you something. So it's so crazy. And I might post this on my tic tock, because you see, in the mornings, I typically sit with God and I feel like I received messages. And one message I received recently was, my people just don't know how truly blessed they are. They don't understand that wherever they go, is a blessing. They don't understand that the enemy has come to confuse them about themselves and about their gifts. Because when they are confused, their gifts can be stolen. And it's time now for us to acknowledge our gifts and take those things back. Because they were never truly I think I had said it in another podcast and never true. We've gone, right? You are the gift. It's only when you don't know that you're the gift that you don't know that you're the gem. When you don't know how to wield that gift, when you don't know how to wield those gems, that it can be, quote unquote, taken away from you. And the message I got is not my people don't even know that wherever they literally are, is a blessing. Gentrification was brought to my mind. You see how the enemy will flip things? For you? To you. Okay. Why is it that in some of the worst neighborhoods out there, people want to move in the colonizer wants to move in where you are, this has been repeated throughout history. Why is that? I'm going to tell you why the message I got is because you've already blessed the area that you've lived in. So now they move you out and take your blessings. literally, figuratively, and spiritually, more importantly, your presence is a grace. Understand that. And I need you to really sit with that because these are the mind games that have been played for centuries with you. This is very serious. is so serious that they have trained others to within our community to come against us. It's so serious that they have trained you to come against yourself. So it's time to open your eyes. We say we're awake. Are you truly awake? Are you talking to God? Are you listening to God? To what he has to say to you? Whatever it is, you believe? Or you listening? Not just speaking? Are you going to church and leaving? Or are you picking up your Bible and leaving it picking up whatever spiritual texts you have and leaving it? No, you have to live it and understand that you are the living word. And I'm not just talking about the Bible. I'm saying your spirituality. Religion is a mode to get to God. Do you own your spirituality? Or do you leave it by the wayside? You are a spiritual being you walk in Spirit every day. How can you not because you're alive and in being alive you are connected to God you are connected to source you are connected to the greatest lifeforce. And God has blessed you tremendously with these gems What are you doing with them? You might hear all manner of noise right now but again, you know I say the message is always more important so please ignore it. That's my dog. You're going to hear him sometime he just jumped because I have my back door open here. He just jumped down and maybe he saw a bird or or saw a squirrel or something a rabbit I don't know. I have wildlife in my backyard but I enjoy that because that's another way for me to connect to God listening to the birds in the background as another way for me to connect with God where is your connection? How do you tune in tune in all the time all the time all the time. Because if you're not tuned in someone else's tuned into your free your your spiritual frequency okay, so this whole thing with mining your gems is very mysterious, is serious. And you know, I am going to take some time for myself because I've just been through some spiritual warfare I'm currently I feel like going through some spiritual warfare. Like I said, externally and internally, and I'm sharing this with you, to show you that as a as someone that is coming to support the healing of the black community, to support you in the education, of self healing. support you in the education of introspection, support you in the education of your spirituality, and practical things that you can do. I go through it too. I go through it to anybody that comes to you. And acts like they always have it together. be weary of them. Okay, be weary. There's nobody that has everything all together all the time. Or looking for answers looking for pictures of perfection out there. The truth is, if you put a microscope to most people's lives, I want to say all people's lives, you're gonna find things that's really jacked up. And that's just the truth. I was I was just thinking here about David Goggins, David Goggin says something else, but I ain't going there. But he's about right. When you look at people, everybody's messed up. Everybody is in some way, shape, or form. And what I mean is that we all have our stuff, we all have our things. But the worst thing that you can do is not acknowledge those things. That's why we're talking about the allies, enemies, frenemies and the unbothered, before you go into mine those gems, you need to understand how you can come against yourself in the process, you need to understand how the outside world will come against you, in your process, especially because you're black. We'll see when you go out there armed with that knowledge, and you have the tools that you need in connection with the Most High God, you cannot be defeated. I'm very clear, I cannot be defeated. I don't care what stuff I have. I don't care what comes against me. As long as I have my connection to the Most High God, I'm good. And I don't say that with with any kind of arrogance. I say that with humility. Because I know that I can't do that by myself. And that's why my constant message, if there's only one a message that you take, from this podcast, build your relationship with God because you can never go wrong there. You can never go wrong by walking in tandem with spirit by walking in tandem with God. There is something that you are specifically here for God is a God of purpose. What is your purpose? Whatever your purpose is, we need you, the black community collectively, to stand in your purpose. The world is going to come against you so that you do not stand in your purpose. We could sit here and paint fluffy bunnies. But you know the real deal about this world and so do I. So I'm going to I think stop here. I'm also going to put out a bonus bonus episode, the one that I recorded last night. And I just pray that over the summer time, you know as as I renew and rejuvenate myself. I pray that you do the same wherever it is you wherever it is you are in your process. You know, I just pray that you do what you need to do. We're all we may all be at different places and spaces. But as long as you are connected to God and you're asking for his direction, in your healing process. You're good wherever you're at Meet God, wherever you're at. Thank you so much for spending time with me today. I pray that you build your relationship with God. Love yourself unconditionally, and put in the work to mine refine and shine those JEMMS!

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