Beautiful JEMM's

A Black Persons Importance - Pt 2

Charmaine Thompson

Why YOU as a black person are important.  YOU are POWERFUL!  From my heart to yours. 

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Hello, and welcome to Beautiful JEMMS. I'm your host Charmaine, and welcome to today's bonus episode Hey, how y'all doing? One, I've figured that I will try something a bit different. You know, during the first season, I made a special episode called a black person's importance. And I think that I'm gonna make a part two to that for a few different reasons. One because you're important, just in case nobody told you today, you're important. All right, and then so it's a form of self love for me right now. Because in order to put out this podcast, in order to do the things that I'm doing to help and assist the black community to support the black community, I have been going through a cha cha. Put it lightly I've been I've been going through it, but it's worth it. You're worth it. And, you know, I had in my mind what I wanted to do for this episode, though, pull everything together, because that's me. But I think right now it's best for me to just speak from my heart. Um, you know, my heart to yours. And right now, I wish I could share with you what I'm listening to. But you know, for copyright reasons, I cannot but I'll tell you what it is I'm listening to. It is we are one by maze featuring Frankie Beverly. You know, when I think about allies, enemies, frenemies and the unbothered, all that we're talking about, is not coming against yourself not being divided, right? Because a house that is divided. I forget how the saying goes, forgive me, but it can be torn apart. And ultimately, that's the goal with us, they want you to be divided on the inside, right? Because if you are divided individually, then you're going to be divided as a group. Okay, so why are we talking about, you know, being an ally, enemy frenemy or unbothered to yourself, so that you can assimilate all of that together and work with yourself, we have been trained to live in division, division with ourself division with the people in our community. And that has got to stop. It's like the song here, you know, we are one, we are one. And when we are one, we are a force to be reckoned with. Right? So if you are, if you are whole, and you are one, and you know, every part, every crevice, every, every little thing about yourself, there's nobody that could get anything over on you. That's where you want to be. Right. And ultimately, what I'm saying is, you want to be in agreement with yourself, and be in agreement with God. Right? When you become one there, you have 123, a community, a family. I just I feel like I can't even get out everything that's in my heart right now. Because I it's just so sad how we've been trained to be separated and divided within our families within ourselves within our community. And it's just time to be one. It's time to be one. In order to do that you have to heal those divides. But you got to be willing to put in that work. What is this analogy about beautiful gems. The beautiful gems are all the treasures that you have on the inside you the treasures that your ancestors passed on to you, the treasures that the experiences that you've had in this life have given you. The thing is, you got to dig for him. You got to find them. And you got to put some work into it. Right. There's a pastor that said You have to fight for your healing. And he is so right you have to fight for it, you have to be willing to put in that work. Because you're worse than this. That's why the world doesn't want you to believe that you're worthy. Because they don't want you to realize what you're truly worth. It's not the clothes on your back. It's not the shoes on your feet. It's not the money in your bank account. It ain't how many properties you got. It ain't generational wealth, not really, you are a gem baby, you are. That's the secret. And they know it. So they got you looking at everything else, except for you. And what you come with what's in your DNA was seeing your spirit, what's in your mind what's in your heart, can nothing beat that nothing. Don't get it twisted. You are the treasure. And all this is about is you understand enough fully, truly knowing that you are worthy to do the work on you to heal. It's gonna be painful. But man, when you come out on the other side, the joy, the joy, the joy of the Lord, is yours. Don't squander your treasure. Don't squander it. You are a gift given by God to this world. And people want you to believe otherwise. I'm here to tell you. That is time if you're not already awake. We need you to wake up. We need you. Because collectively, we are force you understand. Collectively, we are a force. I'm gonna say it again. Collectively we are a force. That is why they want us to be divided. No more. No more now is the time we will not get rocked to sleep. We will not get rocked to sleep. We've been here before. But this time is different. And we have to do things differently. It's not about a march really. It's not about electing a politician. Really, it's not about legislation. Really. It's about you recognizing you. It's about you understanding who you are and standing in your power. It's about you owning your gems and stop letting other people take them. That's what it's about. Nobody else can do that for you. But you but you have to be awake to it. Wake up. Don't let them rock you to sleep. Don't let him rock you to sleep. If you're awake, stay awake. If you're awake, wake other people up. It's our time now is our time. It's our time. It's not just about looking good. It's not just, it's not just about feeling good. It's about being good. Knowing that you are good. Knowing that you are worthy, knowing that you are valuable, knowing that you are gifted knowing that you are powerful. That's what this is about. So I encourage you, I really truly encourage you please, right. Go back to the first season. Start at the first episode, do some work. Because when I come back when I come back because I'm gonna take a break over the summer time I need a break. That's a form of self love for me right now. So I can give you 100% 99% And I 75 not 50 So I can give you 100% I'm gonna go take care of me. I'm gonna follow my own advice too. And then we're gonna come together and I'm gonna give you some tools. And I'm gonna put some coaching out for you guys. I'm gonna give you some free products. I'm gonna do some different things to help. But more importantly, whether you do it with me, or whether you do it with somebody else or whether you do it on your own Please, please, please, if there's one message I have for you build that relationship with God and ask Him to heal those divides within you to heal those divides within our community. If you're awake, if you're somebody that's awake, you need to pray. You need to pray that we stay awake, you need to pray for our healing, not just your own, but for our community. So, please enjoy your summer. Please take care of yourself. Stay blessed, and I love you. Hey, wait, my fellow miner before you jump off, I just wanted to go over a few housekeeping items with you. So you can follow me at beautiful gems. It's beautiful underscore gems J E M M S on Tik Tok and iG. Even though I'm not going to be doing the podcast over the summer time, and I'll be back in the fall. I will be on social media. So hit me up. Like Share and comment. You can also get all of my links on solo dot tau, backslash beautiful gems. I'll leave the link for you guys to visit. My website will also be coming soon. With coaching services and tools. I'm also going to be having some collaborations. And what I'd love for you to do most of all is to rate these episodes and share them with those who you think they may help. All right now you can get out. Enjoy your summer. Bye. Thank you so much for spending time with me today. I pray that you build your relationship with God. Love yourself unconditionally, and put in the work to my refine and shine those JEMMS.

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