Beautiful JEMM's

Recap: Bringing The Mining Process Together

Charmaine Thompson Season 3 Episode 1

Welcome back to the mining site JEMM's!  

In today's episode, we will start the third season with how the mining process works with all of the information we've learned so far.  We will combine the concepts and review where they appear in more detail under seasons one and two so you can easily follow along.  

This is the first episode shot in both video and audio formats.  If you want to see this episode's video version, please click the link below. 


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Hello, I'm your host Charmaine, and welcome to Beautiful JEMM's!

Hey, JEMMS, welcome back to season three of Beautiful JEMM’s podcast. If you don't know, you can now watch the podcast online. This is going to be my first season doing the video portion of the podcast on YouTube. And I'm also going to obviously have the audio as well. So how Yeah, like my background? Yeah, like my, my Beautiful JEMM’s background that might change. But I figured for the first one, why not? Right? I even got on my shirt. I might be overdoing it. But you know, bear with me. Okay. So, what we're gonna do with this episode is do a recap, because what I found in talking to people, and by the way, thank you to all my listeners, because I have listeners, not only in the United States of America, but in Europe as well. So I'm so interested at some point, and I'm figuring it out how to hear back from you guys. Okay, but from the input I have received from people they need to understand it seems like more of the concept behind beautiful JEMMS and what like how everything kind of works together, meaning how season one comes together with Season Two. And I think just the overall explanation of what is Beautiful JEMM’s, right. So just to start out briefly, what are JEMMS, JEMMS, they represent, you know, different things. But what's most important when we're talking about the mining process, right, of finding our JEMMS is it's really your experiences. It's, it's the valuable experiences, the valuable things you find inside of yourself, it could, it could be a number of things, but it's whatever you find a value within you, okay? And many times it will manifest as an experience or related to experiences, and what you kind of derive from those things, the JEMMS that you get from them, right? So, for example, when somebody says, Oh, you dropped the gem, well, typically, when people drop a gem, it's not just because they read a book, it's because they experience something. And they're able to elaborate because they took the time to refine this thought, refine this experience, refine these emotions, whatever went into this experience, they were able to refine it, and they come back with a gem, right? So that's essentially what the JEMMS are or what they represent us looking for in the mining process. Right. So hopefully that makes sense. If not, y'all let me know. And I'll elaborate some more. But what I did do for you guys is drumroll, I created infographics. And if you guys are interested in the infographics after I show them to you, just let me know, I will send them out as a freebie to you. Okay, but I made infographics surrounding what exactly the mining process is, and what protective gear and the tools are for protective gear, and also just the infographic about season one and season two and how it all ties together. Okay, so let's get started. Hey, all right, I pulled it up. So here's the mining process for beautiful JEMMS. So it's a seven step process. And the first part is, it references the mining site. And the mining site itself is your inner world, your life experiences, the personal and generational trauma. Of course, there are other things in there but this represents like that metaphorical soil and rock. Okay. And also, you know, on the mining site, we have like the heavy machinery we have. We have tools we have the staff, which is number two, right? The mining staff, those in the spiritual and physical realms who are sent to support you in the mining process. Okay, and then when we move on to the third part, we have the protective gear and tools and if y'all know me, and if y'all have listened to the first season of this podcast, I pay especially close attention And to breaking down protective gear. And the reason why is as you go through the work of mining your JEMMS, like actually looking for these experiences and working with these experiences, right? I want you to be safe. So I know you guys have all heard, you know, it's kind of like the buzz phrase like a safe space. And that is, so my goal, especially when working with the black community to create a safe space because many times in these black bodies, we can't find too many safe spaces. Let's just keep that 1000. Anyway, so my goal for you is to make it as safe as possible. All right, so we'll get back to the protective gear, let's move on to the fourth part, which is orientation. So this is kind of like your orientation to I don't know, maybe I'll name this episode orientation instead of recap. So, orientation here means the precautions during the mining process to keep you safe and on track, including when to call in supporting staff. Hey, now the fifth part is retrieving your JEMMS. So this involves going into the mining process to find your JEMMS you know after you have all your protective gear strapped on your oriented you know your mind and staff, you have a idea of the mining site. Now you can go on in because God the great excavator hit on gave you the blueprint, and you know where to go, right. So you'll know what kind of JEMMS to look for, and how to retrieve them. Okay. The sixth part is refining your JEMMS. So this is actually, you know, when you think about the metaphor of dirt and rock and actually digging through, you know, excavating the land for these JEMMS, when we're talking about experiences, for example, let's go back to childhood. This, this, this dirt and rock that's mixed in with the gyms or vice versa, are all of your experiences, all of let's say your childhood experiences in this one area, but you don't need all of your experiences in order to do in a work, right? You just need those potential JEMMS. So that's what we're looking for. We're looking for the potential JEMMS and then when we take them, we go through that refinement process, we'll figure out whether we found a gem or not. And when we do find our JEMMS, because you know, we will you move on to the seventh part, which is shining your JEMMS. So this goes back to my whole mind, refine and shine your JEMMS, okay? So that's what the tagline is about two, and I can get him into number seven. I'm not going to do too much. Number seven, I will encourage you always to celebrate, celebrate. But you know, as black folks, we ain't got no problem shine and honey, that ain't the issue. Okay, so


we're gonna move on to the next infographic, which is especially dedicated to protective gear. protective gear, we use this when we're mining our gym. So it has to do with inner work, right? And when we do this inner work, it comes with risk and reward, you can mitigate the risk and prepare for the rewards by having your protective gear on at what all times all right. So number one is that hard hat of self-compassion, y'all I cannot stress how important it is when you are doing this in a work to have this hard hat, okay, and I made this part of the metaphor correlate back to self-compassion, because, think about it if you're going into a mineshaft, right? And then all of a sudden, you know, it collapses. Well, what's one piece of gear you want to be sure you have right to make it out safely? You want to be sure to have your hardhat so that is protecting your mind protecting basically everything that causes you to function properly. Okay, that brainy yours. And I just feel like it's such a major part of the protective gear. Because when you do in a work you have a potential a high potential to hurt yourself. Others also, who may come in well intentioned or not have a potential to virtue as well. So you need, you need self-compassion and hear me out. I'm not talking about compassion, peace for other people I'm talking about for yourself, because sometimes you may let people into your circle or invite people into your circle that you might have to, you know, forgive yourself for later. And we'll get to that you might have to forgive yourself for later and also apply self-compassion, too. You know, the other thing is, is that as you go along your journey, you will find that you're going to do shadow work. And I know y'all have heard of shadow work, that involves getting really comfortable with the sides of you that you don't like, or that make you uncomfortable, okay. And in order to do that self-compassion is absolutely necessary, absolutely, in the beginning of the process, because you will find some things about you, if you honest, that you may not like and that's the way that you can kind of put the bomb on that in order to start the process of refining those JEMMS. So we're just gonna stop there. The second piece of protective gear is the headlamp of thought, again, highly important, right? Because you want this to light your way, as you take that blueprint, that map and you go and you're excavating, if you ain't got no light, if your light a bright, you got a problem, you know what I mean? You can't see any gem sparkling anywhere in the ground in the dirt underground at that, right. So you definitely need to have your thought process, right. The third piece of protective gear is the mask and respirator of self forgiveness. Now, this ties in well with that hard hat of self-compassion, because when you really think about it, again, this, this going into a mind, if you are if I take you back to the scenario where the mineshaft collapses, what typically happens, you get all these dust particles in the air. So if you can't breathe, you are not going to be good, honey, right? So, So forgiveness is very, very important. So that you don't turn in on yourself. When you find things about you that you may not like, right? Or you you start to be honest about things that you've done, or things that you know, you've done to yourself or to others. Self forgiveness is pivotal. Number four, the walkie talkie of intuition. I love that one. And I'm gonna tell y'all, that intuition is your 24 hour hotline. So who the most high guy that's to who all right. So with something don't feel right. I think I said in one of my episodes, it ain't right now, recently, I actually posted a tip talk about my portion of my experience on 911. And I always like to be very careful about sharing that experience with people especially now that I'm you know, going to be sharing more of it and in public. I'm sensitive to it, I think for myself and also for others, right? So I shared with my viewers on Tiktok how my intuition among other protective gear helped me during 911 What I will say to y'all is, is that if I did not listen to my intuition, I would have passed away that day. And I'm gonna just leave it at that if you'd like to see the whole story, I will leave a link and you can go ahead and check out my story on tick tock, okay, and follow me. Alright. The next piece of protective gear number five reflective clothing of forgiveness. Now this is interesting. The reason why I picked reflective clothing is because many times when it comes to forgiving other people, the reason why we've attracted them in into our life usually in some way shape or form is because they're reflecting something back to us that we need to see within ourselves. Okay, and so once we do that, then we can begin to typically forgive the situation. All right, so I'm gonna leave that there. All right, so let's keep going. Let's keep going. Let's keep swimming. Number six y'all them still toe boots though. The Thames y'all if y'all know me, I love some fans. I love some fans. I'm from New York what you want. So self-respect. That's what them Timbs represent self-respect. And I think especially for us black folks, that is huge, huge, huge. Oops, today, you know, I don't know about y'all, but my mother raised me but my grandmother was there, we call to Nana. And if you been listening in, you know, my grandmother didn't play with that whole, like calling her grandma. I'm saying that in the context of letting y'all know who she is, but she was my man. And that's what we called her. So Nana, Nana was really big about dignity and self-respect. And I think a lot of people from her generation were right. And I think that's something that needs to kind of be brought back a little bit. And, you know, I won't dive too deeply into that right now. But that is huge, especially as we begin to discover more of our identity, more of our true identity, our lineage, when we start investigating our ancestors, and, you know, things of that nature, this will increase risk, respect, but also increased self respect. All right. So let's keep going. Let's keep going. Let's keep going. And we have number seven, this lovely Canary of emotions. So you tell you what that can marry to sing a song honey, in my opinion, we do not listen to or pay attention to our emotions enough, okay, I'm gonna say something below. I'm a little, you know what? I don't need to preface it. Long story short. When I think of emotions, I think of the heart as generating these emotions, okay. And when I think of the heart and emotions, I think of feminine energy. And feminine energy today is typically pushed to the side as it has always been for 1000s of years. And what I would encourage you to do is bring that feminine energy on back because the feminine energy is what's going to help you heal the feminine energy. I think that sometimes with emotion, people try to understand, you know, they need they want to understand it with their mind. But at the end of the day, emotion is meant to be felt. Okay, it's meant to be felt first experienced, if you will, and then potentially understood, because sometimes you're not, there are some emotions we have that are, you cannot describe, I've had that experience. I don't know about y'all, but I have. And sometimes you just gotta sit with it and rock with it. And it is what it is, you don't need to overanalyze it, you just need to live your life, you need to experience it, you need to flow in those emotions. Okay? All right. Moving on, we're gonna go to eight, but goggles of self-worth, huge for us as well, too. And it ties into those steel toed boots of self-respect, right? Because our self-worth how we see ourselves. Um, it it's as black folks.


That's the subject, right. And it's tough, because other people have already told us what they believe we are worth. And they've been doing that for centuries. And it's changing. But the thing is, is that we cannot rely on what others think about us. And we've really got to fall back on ourselves and find our worth within and I know people, you know, like, we know this stuff. But sometimes in translation of doing the work of, you know, putting on this protective gear and using it to mine your JEMMS. Your feelings can get hurt if you don't have these goggles on, right, if your goggles are broken, I believe I use that as an example. All right. It can really disrupt you from mining your JEMMS, if you can't see yourself for who you are and what you're worth. Okay, so number nine, the earplugs of self-acceptance. Again, this all ties in, because what do you listen to? Who are you listening to? What were you told growing up? What did you decide to keep with you? What resonates with you? Why does it resonate with you, you understand? So, self-acceptance, right? Sometimes we need to protect ourselves with some earplugs and self-acceptance from outside forces, and really hone in and focus in at times on just what we have to say or most high or people that are our allies, which we'll get into, but sometimes you have to close all the noise out and really just focus on you to accept who you are in that moment. That's it. All right now 10 Getting back to the feminine energy, but we're gonna say the gloves of masculine and feminine energy. This is huge. I think there's a lot, a lot of talk about this now, and everybody has masculine and feminine energy, it doesn't matter whether you're male or female, the differences is how much of a measure do you have of each and I do believe that we fluctuate, right. But there's probably a place where we reside and pretty much stay, it's kind of like having a weight where you go, maybe a few pounds below and a few, a few pounds above, and you're fine. As long as you stay within that range. It's similar. In that sense, with masculine and feminine energy, you might have a range that you kind of stay in where you might be, you know, more masculine, and you but you bring in a little bit of the feminine, or you may be kind of like equal in both, but you might be like 4951 5050, you know, my switch up and flip up like that. So it just depends on the person. Right. And I think also understanding that, and I think this is important for men to understand that you have feminine energy to and that you actually walk in it, whether you realize it or understand it or not. So, all right, moving on. Number 11. The first aid kit of self love. So I'm going to tell y'all is there's so much information out there about self love right now. But I feel like if you really have a handle on the first 10 protective gears, it's going to be very easy to know that you have the ability to tap in with your first aid kit or self love, and like put some bomb or patch up then booboos you know what I mean? So that's it for our protective gear. So I'm gonna stop here, and I'll be right back. So we're back. And what I wanted to go over with you guys was how this all ties together, right with the season season one and season two. So for season one of the podcasts, I'm gonna go through every episode just briefly, so that you understand like what it correlates back to in the mining process and the protective gear infographic. So the first season is really pivotal. Like that's where a lot of the groundwork is laid for you to understand how to mind your JEMMS, mind your JEMMS. And the first episode is just basically introducing you to the inner journey of mining your JEMMS. The second episode, we start talking about the staff, right, so it's called your ultimate guide, and the staff. There's the great geologists, the great engineer and the great excavator who is God. Now, I have bonus episodes, and bonus episodes are one offs, so they're nothing that you need to they're not necessarily a part of the mining process. They are just, in this case, like a heart to heart, where I wanted to tell you guys what was on my mind, I wanted it to be, I think, a bit more personal, especially starting out this podcast, because you know, is near and dear to my heart. You know, working with the black community, basically, because I feel like we need a lot of love. All right, so moving on to episode three prayers up, that has to do with the actual heavy machinery that you will find on the mining site. Right? I know, you guys have seen like the construction machinery like dump trucks and all different kinds of like the big yellow trucks or whatever. So I kind of, you know, correlate that to things that I feel are heavy lifters of that rock and soil, right? Where God is stepping in to help you when you ask, right? When you put the effort in, in these areas. Basically, you're gonna go through, you know, you're gonna lift out things that you really don't need to deal with in that moment. Or for when you're mining for specific gym, I should say. So number four, episode number four is mind your mind. And that has to also do with heavy machinery. But this time of meditation, mindfulness, stillness and nature. So it's using, I want to say all five of these heavy machineries to really help you dig up. What you need to dig up to find your JEMMS with the aid with the aid of God with the aid of spirit. Okay, The fifth episode is tune into intuition. This is where we start to get into that protective gear. Right. So here we're going to be talking about the walkie talkie of intuition. Episode Six, you and self-compassion, you guessed it, that protective gear is the hardhat of self-compassion. Okay, and so when we move on to episode seven, that's led the canary saying, so self-explanatory, the protective gear, there is the canary for emotions. All right, episode eight are your lights bright, the protective gear is a headlamp of thought. Alright, so that's what we will be discussing there. Episode Nine. Pardon me pardon you is the protective gear of the mask and respirator of self-forgiveness and the reflective clothing of forgiveness. All right. Number 10, episode 10. Them Tim's da. I think I just like saying that. So the protective gear, there is the goggles of self-worth the steel toed boots of self-respect, better yet known as Tim's earplugs of self-acceptance first aid kit of self-love and the gloves of masculine and feminine energy. And then you have episode 11 hazard question safety, which talks about and I need to change this on the infographic. But basically, it's the tools of the rock hammer of self-discovery, the chisel of self-examination, the shovel of self-assessment, and the compass of values. Now, here's the interesting thing. I just realized I didn't go over that with you guys. So I'm actually going to come back to that in a second. And at the last two episodes, there are episodes 12 and 13. I talk about allies, enemies, frenemies and the unbothered, I have to tell you all that was those two episodes were not easy to create, but they were so fun. And from what I understand, those two episodes are the episodes where I think a lot of people actually they liked it a lot. So I'm curious to know, if you're listening to it for the first time what your thoughts are, but I think people were, you know, kind of entertained by those two. And in there, I basically talk about the onsite managers, the Ark angels, the operators, which are the angels who report to the on site managers, technicians, which are the healers and spiritual leaders and you know, just anybody that would basically help you to do this, like professional or somebody that you consider an expert, it could be a coach, Hey!


These are the technicians that will come out to help you with especially hard rock, okay, have experiences and then you're mining coworkers. So these are the people that come on site with you, you know, your family, your friends, others, okay, now, I am actually going to go back so that we can just talk very briefly about these tools here. Okay, so here we go. The mining tools, you use these, obviously, when you're mining your JEMMS, these tools will prove to be an invaluable asset as you do the inner work to mine your JEMMS. And the first one up is the compass of values. And values are very important because they will actually steer you towards your JEMMS. In other words, some everybody's JEMMS are going to be different. And so one person, you know, they may value certain experiences that they have, maybe they if they're an artist, they might value the experiences they had as a child when they, you know, make believed. Whereas you know, somebody else that you know, values being a hard worker might remember the first job that they had, you know, as a teenager, and that's important to them and understanding why they chose that job. So these are just examples and they're random examples of how your values like what you deem important can actually steer you towards your JEMMS. Okay, so you definitely want to check in with that. Because sometimes if our values or our compasses off our true north is off, meaning like we're not in alignment with our purpose with our calling, then we can be steered towards fool's gold we can be seen geared towards fake JEMMS. So really having a calibrated if you will, compass is important. Now moving on to two tools that are usually used together, which is the rock pick hammer of self-discovery and then the chisel of self-examination. So what I like about this is that the rock hammer is used as like almost blunt force, right? To hit the area where you think and it's, it's precise in the sense of you're doing this like localized excavation. So you're hitting blunt rock with a blunt hammer, and like you're just like breaking down big chunks of things. So self-discovery could be just understanding basic things about yourself, you may think that you know, but maybe you take a, you know, a personality test, and you find out, hey, I didn't realize this thing about myself. I didn't realize that I pay really, really close attention to detail. Like I knew I paid attention to detail, but I didn't realize I paid attention to it on a microscopic level, right. Now, let me go in with the shizzle of self-examination and understand why I hone in on that level, oh, well, maybe when I was younger, there was a parent, that actually always kind of told me what I was doing wrong. So I always wanted to be extra short and extra careful that what I was doing was right, you know. So that's, that's just an example of how these two tools can be used together. Then if we move on, we have the shovel of self-assessment. So the shovel of self-assessment is interesting, because I feel like it basically means shoveling through all of the hard rock or the experiences that you think you went through. But maybe you left some JEMMS in there, right. So as you're shoveling through and you're assessing, self-assessing, you can now almost reevaluate and say, Hey, did I miss something here? Or, you know, Oh, what's this? This actually is a gem. All right. So that's what the shovel of self-assessment helps with. All right. And there we go. So now we are going to move on to the breakdown of season two. And we're almost done, y'all. Okay, so Season Two of the podcast. Now, the point of season two was to actually give you guys some real live examples of basically people that I know personally have done the work of mine and their JEMMS. And so the first two episodes, however, I do introduce a character, I introduce the minor, and the minor represents you, I thought it would be a fun way to represent you. Now it's a cartoon voice. And I know for some people, it threw them off at first, but I think that especially happened because they did not start from season one. And also to you know, just as a side note, the reason why I chose to include this cute little cartoon characters, one to keep it light. But I also think that it's important for us to make sure to get in touch with our inner child. All right. And that's my way of inviting you to do that get in touch with your inner child to play have a little bit of fun, make space for them. If you notice, in some of the examples that I gave you earlier with mining your JEMMS, I wove in how your childhood will and can come up, okay. And the reason why is because you'll find as you go on this journey, probably as many of you know, go on this journey, and a lot of it will come back to experiences that you had as a child, why because that's where your belief system was being created. Right? That's where social structures and you know, what was expected of you and things of this nature, were kind of imposed on you. And so a lot of your foundation, if you will, a lot of your JEMMS, if you will, that is typically the especially hard rock that you need to, you know, excavate and take time with and that's where you would definitely invite in, for example, those technicians, right. So that's, that's very, very, it's just important to keep your inner child in mind because your inner child will pop up more than you believe. As you go on this journey All right, so episodes one and two, I started out talking about new year. New you. That was a saying, I think during the beginning of the year at that time, a lot of people were talking about it and reinventing the self and this and that. And I think it's just, you know, very, very important to remember to always be yourself, right. If there's anybody that you want to bring to the table, you want to bring yourself to the table always. And you want to keep you in mind when you're goal setting, you want to keep you in mind, when you are thinking about what you are reinventing yourself into, you don't want to create a persona, you don't want to create a new Max, right, you want to just basically be maybe another part of you, or you want to improve and bring out you know, the best part of you, that's a very different connotation or discover a new part of you, that's a very different connotation than creating this, this, this, this person that may not even be there. And so I talk a little bit about the process of actually deciding how to go about, you know, goal setting, taking my blueprint of mining your JEMMS, and just moving forward to do that, like how to do that with inner work. And after that I invite on to guess, I invite Teresa Schrell who I know and I've known a very long time. And we're gonna get into that I invited Teresa Schrell. Because I know that she has done the inner work. And we have done a lot of our inner work together as well, too. So for years, and so when you look at, for example, the coworkers that you have at the mine, that's like your BFF coworker that you like, you know, that you stick to when you go to the job, like she's my BFF coworker when I'm on the mining site.


And you will have those, you will have those sometimes like people that, you know, maybe you're in a group or in a class or you know, like a coaching group or therapy group, you might start to buddy up with people and go on some of these journeys together. So I know personally that she has done the work because we have done it together. And I've also just seen the results of her own work that she's done. MarQuis Fair, he's my second guest. And once again, we've had lovely conversations. And what I particularly love about him is that sometimes as a black man, I find that you won't always get a complete picture of what's going on internally with them, either one, because they may not know how to express it, or two, they're just not forthcoming with the you know, with their inner world, right. And so somebody like Marty, I know that he actually spends time there, I can tell, you know, again, based off of our conversations and the things that he so graciously shared with me, and it was very helpful to just understand from a black man's perspective, how the inner work may even be different, right? there were similarities, but there were also differences. And so he graciously once again, like shared with you guys. I felt like that was like a vault that's open, right? He shared with you guys not only um, you know what, I'll get into that in a second. So going back to Teresa, she is the she starts off the ally series because I consider both of them my allies. She starts off the ally series with Episode three all the way through to Episode Six. And each episode is about being either be ally, enemy frenemy, or the unbothered towards yourself as you are doing the work. Okay, so it's a very interesting take, right? You ever hear that saying like you could I can be my own worst enemy. While we talk about that in Episode What is that for? Right where you can basically be your own worst enemy, but we also talk about how you can be all the other roles to yourself as well too. Then, as we move on to episodes, Episode Seven Marquis kicks that off, and he actually packs it all into one episode with visiting all four different roles and how He shows up as those things to himself. But then in episode eight and nine, we get into his unique perspective, I feel like as a black man, and he actually gives you some really great examples not only of how to do inner work, how to begin doing introspection, but also what it looked like for him when he was a child, and what it looked like for him as an adult. And what I have to say I especially loved about it is that you can tell, and I will say the same thing for Teresa, when you do the work. When you do the work, er, and you come to a similar experience in life, what will happen is, is that you will speed through that experience with flying colors. Okay? And so that, that right, there is like my ultimate  goal for people because I want you to be self-sufficient, I want you to because I believe we all are not that you can't, you know, rely on people. But most of all, you need to rely on God. And rely on yourself in the sense of, you got all the tools you need, you got everything. Here, we're always looking for something outside of ourselves when the fact is we have what we need inside, we just got to make it do what it do. So that's what this whole beautiful JEMMS is about. We try to get you to make it do what it do, we try to make you get or, or help you not make you not make you, we're trying to help you get to this place where you're like, I got this. Normally, when I bump up to this type of experience, I react this way, but look at that, look at how I acted, acted like a Oh teaches now that's us, right? So that's what my hope and my wish and my prayers for you. Right? And I'm gonna say this as a little segue, even with my coaching based business, that is what I want for people from my heart, man, I want you to be able to self-coach. So when I'm coaching you, I'm not just coaching you to so that you can come back to me over and over and over again. I don't, I don't rock like that. I want you to come to me when you need to learn how to do something for yourself. Okay, now granted, there are certain things that you may need help with, from myself or another technician at the mind that maybe is expertise but it's not something that you would need constantly, it might be a one off, right because I also practice healing modalities that I incorporate into my coaching practice. So you know there are times when you might need somebody to help you kind of you know, get over something or to heal something like be involved in the healing process. But once this thing is healed, and you move on to the next thing to heal because you just don't ever run out as a side note, um, you may not ever need that type of service again. So that's different. But um yeah, I digress. Skip back to the last two episodes here. So episode 10 is for you or against you and that's just me like ending off the season talking about spiritual warfare as a black person and also about how you show up for yourself in any of those roles as an ally enemy front of me or unbothered, right? And then there goes that lovely bonus episode. The bonus episode again. It's nothing that you know has to be listened to. It's exactly what it says it's a bonus. I promise y'all. When I you know was doing that episode, I was just Hi. Oh god, okay, that's all I was high on God. I was high on God. It took me a minute to get to kind of into the groove, but you know, if you bear with me in the beginning of that episode, I say some things and I'll say this to you the type of person that I am, I pray and sometimes I do believe that I receive messages and that was me sharing a message with you. Okay. Because I think that we are so much more magnificent than we realize. And I always want to be sure to highlight big up share whatever you want to say. When those type of things come up for me after prayer and after spending time with God meditating or being in nature and I you know, I really need to share more that I probably have like a little vault I could open up and give to you guys. But, um, I just think that we and when I say we like the black community, and I extend that it's not just black Americans men, it's not just black Americans. Look, I'm about to have a black person's importance number three right now. Is is, you know, the people all around the world, Central America, you know, the Caribbean, South America. Like I said, I have people in Europe listening, wherever you are Africa, it does not matter. Yes, we have different stories, but many of us, especially if, how do I say this? We were all affected in some way by the power structure that has been in place for the past hundreds of years. I don't care whether you were free men, I don't care whether you know, we meaning your ancestors, whether they were freemen, or whether they were slaves, or whether they you know, didn't have anything to do with that at all, and somehow avoided it. You're still impacted on some level as a black person when it comes to these power structures, because that is what they are specifically designed for. So going back to my messages, my bonus messages are meant to build us up. Because we need so much more that we need a lot more. I want to say just love, you know, and there's, there's an episode that I was like, Man, how do I work this in here? It might be a bonus episode. But I actually want to speak to what I'm talking about, which is the divisiveness that keeps being promoted among us. And personally, like, I don't know about y'all, but I'm sick of it. I'm so sick of it. I'm so sick of dividing everything up like you divide the cherry pie into like 32 slices, and it's a cherry pie.


So let's stop with the nonsense, anyway. Okay. All right. I'm finished. I'm thrilled. I'm thrilled. So, thank you all for sticking with me through this episode. It might be a little bit long winded, but we did have quite a bit of information to cover, and I wanted to make sure that I provided some explanation behind basically the first two seasons and you know, going into season three, which I have put on hold, going into season three. We are going to talk about the technicians on site. So I'm gonna leave that there. Thank you so much for spending time with me today. I pray that you build your relationship with God. Love yourself unconditionally and put in the work to mine, refine, and shine those JEMM’s!

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