Beautiful JEMM's

Unraveling Emotional Traps: The Hidden 4D Between 3D and 5D Realms

Charmaine Thompson Season 3 Episode 4

Join us, my fellow miner, on Beautiful JEMM's as we unravel the deception of superiority and the emotional traps laid by saboteurs who project their inner dis-ease onto you. In this episode, we break down the often-ignored 4D emotional dimension that lies between the physical 3D world and the spiritual 5D realm. Understanding and healing within this emotional space can bridge the gap to true inner harmony and self-love.

Equip yourself with strategies from past episodes and dive deep into the concept of The Great Excavator, Your Ultimate Guide in navigating the emotional minefield. Discover practical tips for safeguarding your emotional well-being and maintaining balance as you mine your inner JEMM's. Learn why the saboteurs aim to keep you disconnected from your emotions and how you can counteract their tactics by building a strong relationship with your emotional body and seeking guidance from the divine. Tune in for empowering messages that will help you cultivate unconditional self-love and strengthen your spiritual connection.

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Hello, I'm your host, harmaine, and welcome to Beautiful J. The reason why the saboteur wants you to turn on yourself is because they don't love themselves. This is the dis-ease they feel, project and teach to you. The illusion of superiority gives them something to stand on, to know, not feel that they are better than you. Their illusion is so powerful that they actually believe it and see it as truth. Others give them power around the world, consciously and subconsciously, to keep the illusion alive. They support the system of colonization, the network of saboteurs on the mining site, with their belief in the illusion that they are superior to them in the 5D. This also translates into supporting the saboteurs in the 3D with their actions.


When we speak about the 3D and the 5D the third dimension being the physical world and the fifth dimension being the spiritual world notice that we skip the dimension here. It's the 4D, the emotional dimension, where the heart and higher heart rules. This dimension is not spoken about much because the saboteur does not understand it in their state, what they know is how to harm and attack and keep minors victimized and traumatized in a constant loop of abuse in the 4D, by focusing their attention on the mind the 5D and the physical world, the 3D. They weave most of their illusions there. Then they set traps to guide you to toxic pockets of traumatic experiences on the mining site in the 4D. Remember those we spoke about from the episode hazard, caution, safety. You might want to go back for a refresher. They do this to keep you from understanding the healing power of the 4D. Their goal is to make the 4D so painful that you either avoid it or disassociate from it. They want you to be devoid of emotion and or out of balance. That way you will never bridge the gap between the 3D and the 5D, stuck in an illusion. To fight off the saboteur's attacks you will have to familiarize yourself with your emotional body in the 4D. Always make sure you have on your protective gear.


Use season one, episodes five through ten, for a safety check before venturing into the mine to find your gems. Also, remember you are not alone on the mining site. You can always knock on the great excavators door for help. They go by many names, being that they are the ultimate guide. Check out season one, episode two, on how this relationship can help you tremendously and ways to communicate with them. In episode three, prayersers Up If you want to brush up on the saboteur's tricks and some of the others you'll find on the mining site either allies, enemies, frenemies or the unbothered. Go back to season one again, episodes 11 through 13. Thank you so much for spending time with me today. I pray that you build your relationship with God, love yourself unconditionally and put in the work to mine. Refine and shine those JEMM's.

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